Standard returns policy

Our standard returns policy for items bought is 35 days. This applies to both online and in-store purchases, except in the case of sale items, which you have 14 days to return.

If the item is unused, in its original packaging and accompanied by a valid proof of purchase, we’ll offer a full refund. This does not affect your statutory rights.

Returns taken to our clothing and home stores will be processed the same day as your visit. The refund will be issued to your original payment card, usually within 3-5 working days.

Items purchased at our Outlet stores will need to be returned to an Outlet store. If you’re returning clearance items purchased at one of our main clothing and home stores, please note these cannot be returned at our Outlet stores.

Please note that, unless they are faulty, personalised items cannot be returned.

Sale Returns Policy

Our returns policy for sale items bought online and instore is 14 days.